サイバースペースの魂: 新しいテクノロジーは私たちのスピリチュアルな生活をどう変えるか by ジェフ・ザレスキー
Richard Smoley リチャード・スモーリー ハーバード大学とオックスフォード大学で教育を受け、受賞歴のある西洋の精神的伝統に関する学術誌『グノーシス』の編集者を務めた。ジェイ・キニーとの共著に『Hidden Wisdom』がある: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions』の共著者であり、『Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition』、『The Essential Nostradamus』の著者。
Jay Kinny ジェイ・キニーは『Hidden Wisdom』の共著者: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions』の共著者。15年にわたり、秘教的伝統とスピリチュアルな道を扱う一流誌『グノーシス』の発行人兼編集長を務めた。また、キニーはカリフォルニアのミル・バレー・ロッジ356号とミッション・ロッジ169号F&AMの会員であり、ヨーク律会の会員、スコティッシュ・ライトの32KCCHでもある。カリフォルニア・メーソン・シンポジウムで2度講演し、優秀なメーソン研究に贈られるアルバート・G・マッキー賞を受賞。サンフランシスコ・スコティッシュ・ライトの司書兼リサーチ・ディレクターとして、フリーメーソンリー内に幅広い人脈を持ち、このテーマに関する多くの一般的な著述家が避けてきた多くの資料やメーソンの記録にアクセスできる。
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Gnosis #48 (Summer '98) Witchcraft & Paganism
Includes Chas Clifton on the nature of Paganism, Starhawk and Carol Christ interview, the surprising (and recent) origin of Wicca, the Goddess movement, an expose of some recent "Celtic spirituality" books, more.
"Strange as it may sound, the Inquisition often exercised a moderating influence on rabid witch hunters in local courts."
-- Richard Smoley, from the introduction
by Jay Kinney
Up Front
News & Notes
The Nicholas Roerich Museum; Islam and secularism face off in Turkey; 5th Annual Sufism Symposium.
Introduction: The Old Religion
by Richard Smoley
Is Neopaganism the newest or the oldest of religions? Either way it needs to face its history.
Nature Religion for Real
by Chas S. Clifton
The essence of Paganism is connecting with the spirits of land and place. How do we do that today?
Explaining Wicca
by Judy Harrow
An introduction to the beliefs and practices of today's predominant form of Neopaganism.
Life, Death, and the Goddess: The GNOSIS Interview with Starhawk and Carol Christ
by Richard Smoley
Two celebrated authors discuss the current state of Neopaganism and how it relates to contemporary scholarship.
A Witch Among the Navajos
by Malcolm Brenner
When a Neopagan takes up residence "on the rez," a curious kind of magic can happen.
The Goddess Movement, Past and Present
by Carol LeMasters
The Goddess movement started out as a liberating force. Has it since grown too dogmatic?
The Red God: Woodcraft and the Origins of Wicca
by John Michael Greer and Gordon Cooper
Where are Wicca's origins? The Neolithic forests? The heaths of old Britain? How about suburban Connecticut?
When Is a Celt Not a Celt?
by Joanna Hautin-Mayer
An irreverent glimpse into the literature of ancient Irish potato cults, Druid snake handlers, and "Cardiac Celts."
Book Reviews
The Kebra Nagast: The Lost Bible of Rastafarian Wisdom and Faith from Ethiopia and Jamaica edited by Gerald Hausman
The Mother of God by Luna Tarlo
The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in Eastern Traditions by Andrew Rawlinson
Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Undiscovered Country: The Search for Gurdjieff by Kathryn C. Hulme
The Cross and the Grail: Esoteric Christianity for the 21st Century by Robert Ellwood
Angels, Demons, and Gods of the New Millennium by Lon Milo DuQuette
The Soul of Cyberspace: How New Technology is Changing Our Spiritual Lives by Jeff Zaleski